
John & Liz <>< 12th June 2018

John was probably the kindest, gentlest person I have known. His humour was dry but wonderful. When I first met him, we were both part of the young adults group at Lymington Baptist Church in the early 1980s. I have happy memories of those younger days, when we put the world to rights over a pint or two in the Filly Inn, just outside Brockenhurst. It was easy to relax in his company. John showed kindness to so many people, not always in big or showy ways, but often in just little, quiet, subtle ways. For example, when he was a driver on the buses, I recall my Mum often telling me how he would always help her with her shopping. I’m sure she wasn’t the only one to benefit from his practical kindness! John’s ability to show God’s love in a practical way was inspirational and, although I will miss him, I’m sure his example will continue to inspire all who knew John.